Over ages, humans fortunately
discovered that certain ingested plants were a source of unique satisfying
feelings, beyond satiety. Some were mildly affecting (e.g. nicotine, caffeine),
others enhanced mood or altered perception, reduced pain, intoxicated, or
produced euphoria (e.g. alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogens, opiates, cocaine).
In the past two centuries, consumption of these psychoactive substances
expanded rapidly. Decontamination of the active chemicals, distribution by
manoeuvres for maximum effect and global marketing contributed to this
expansion. Modern chemistry has produced a huge range of variations of these
plant products, paralleled by an unprecedented level of adverse biological,
behavioral, medical and social consequences. Following this phenomenon,
Designer drugs are produced to be similar to, but not identical with Psychoactive
Drugs that are illegal to possess or sell for human consumption, unless for
medical purposes. A recurring threat to public health, the Designer Drug
sub-culture has burst out over the past decade. The rapid expansion can be
attributed to a convergence of crucial technological advances combined with
deceitful, aggressive marketing schemes.
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