Sunday, August 19, 2018

Digital Forensics: Introduction to Computer Fundamentals and Historical Background

COMPUTER is an acronym for Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technology and Research.  A computer is a sophisticated electronic device, wherein  the user  inputs  raw  data  and  it  processes  this  raw  data  using  a  set  of commands called  as programs  and  gives  the  output  to  the client and  at  the  last  stage,  saves  the  output  for prospect use.  A  Computer  can  process  numerical  as  well  as mathematics and rational calculations.
A computer has 4 functions:
a. Input
b. Processing
c. Output
d. Storage
Input:  Input  refers  to  the procedure of  feeding  raw  information  to  the  computer  using input devices. Raw information consists of letters, images, numbers, etc.
Processing: Processing is the internal operation of the computer. Process is the operation of data as per the given set of instructions.
Output: Output refers to the product of the processed data that is shown by means of the computer after processing the data.  These results or output can be saved in different storage devices for prospect use.
Storage: It is procedure of preserving the output for a certain period of time if required.

For more details watch the given video.

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