Saturday, March 30, 2019

Forensic Stylistics

·Forensic Stylistic is the application of linguistic knowledge, methods and insights to the forensic context of law, language, crime investigation, trial, and judicial procedure.
· Stylistics is generally to evaluate either the aesthetic quality of the language used in speech or writing. · Whereas style is a reflection of group or individual variation in a written language.
· Identifying the different variations in the linguistic writing helps in the identification of the original author of the questioned writing sample.
 ·The two different approaches to Forensic Stylistics are:  Qualitative Approach and  Quantitative Approach
·The methodology for identification of the actual writer includes : Getting organized, Stating the problem , Procedural steps , Specifying descriptive results., Specifying quantitative results, Specifying exclusion conclusion, Specifying identification conclusion , Precedent cases and  Writing a report
·Specifying the style markers and their identification is a very important step in identifying the author of the writing.
·Forensic Stylistics can help in voice identification, Analysis of discourse in legal settings, Authorship identification and so on.
·Let us learn about all this in the given video lecture.

Microwave Spectroscopy

Microwave spectroscopy is proving in recent years a great asset in the study of various problems in physics, chemistry, electronics and even astronomy. Microwave spectroscopy has been found to be very useful in the determination of the structures of those molecules which do not give good results by using Raman and infrared spectroscopy.  The microwave spectroscopy explores the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is extending from 100 µm (3 x 1013 Hz) to 1 cm (3 x 1010 Hz). The absorption spectrum in the microwave region is characteristic of the absorbing molecule as a whole, whereas spectrum in the infrared region is characteristic of the functional groups present in the absorbing molecule. Microwave spectrum shows better resolution of the lines than infrared method and many more.

Let us learn about Microwave spectroscopy in the given video lecture.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Law: Penology

The present prison system in India was originated by T B Macaulay in 1835. A committee namely Prison Discipline Committee (1836) was appointed, which submitted its report on1838. The committee recommended increased rigorousness of treatment while disallowing all humanitarian needs and reforms for the prisoners.  The earlier penological approach held imprisonment, that is, custodial measures to be the only way to control crime. But the modern penological approach has ushered in innovative forms of punishing whereby the requirements of the community are well adjusted with the best interest of the accused. Dr. W C Reckless, a UN Expert on Correctional Work, visited India during the years 1951- 52 to study prison administration in the country and to suggest ways and means of improving it. His report “ Jail Administration in India” is another breakthrough document in the history of prison reforms. He made a suggestion for transforming prisons into reformation centers and advocated establishment of new prisons.  All India Committee on Jail Reforms 1980-83 was constituted by the government of India under the chairmanship of Justice Anand Narain Mulla. The committee suggested setting up of a National Prison Commission as a continuing body to bring about modernization of prisons in India. In 1987, the Government of India appointed the Justice Krishna Iyer Committee to carry out a study on the condition of women inmates in India. It has recommended induction of more women in the police force in view of their special role in tackling women and child offenders.

After  watching this video lecture you will be able to know about the significance of penology, types of punishments, theories and the features of Traditional and modern penological approaches.

Law: Constitution and Hierarchy of Criminal Courts

The Indian judicial system is stratified into many levels. At the highest is the Supreme Court, which is followed by High Courts at the state level and District Courts at the district level and Lok Adalats at the Village and Panchayat Level. The judicial arrangement takes care of conservation of law and order by seeing cases associated to both civil and criminal violations. India has a quasi-federal structure with 29 States further sub-divided into hundreds of administrative Districts. The Judicial structure however has an integrated arrangement. The Supreme Court, the High Courts and the lower Courts establish a single Judiciary. Parliamentary democracy as envisaged in the Constitution of India works, at Union and State level. Especially in the making of law, there is direct participation of the legislature and the executive. It is the judiciary that safeguards the interest of citizens by not allowing the other organs to go beyond their role assigned in the Constitution and also violation of any law by any person. In brief, the Supreme Court of India is the logical and primary custodian of the Indian Constitution, while also being its interpreter and guardian. While, the Parliament enjoys the authority to amend the Constitution, the Supreme Court has the authority to examine the cogency of constitutional amendments. The Supreme Court makes sure that the other branches of government perform their responsibilities in accordance with the Constitution. Judiciary is the absolute authority in interpreting legal issues and constitutional arrangements. The nature of democracy and development of the state depends upon how the legal system conducts itself to sustain the overall socio-economic and political environment.

In this video lecture we will understand the structure of Indian judiciary  and also the competency and functioning of Criminal courts in India.

Law: Important Court Decisions and Case Studies

After watching this video lecture  we will be able to understand about court proceedings ,find it easier to relate to case studies  and also our skills of analyzing a case and solving it will gradually develop and become strong. We will also be able to understand how to assess handwriting evidence and appreciate the expert evidence in case of Handwriting /Photographs/Finger Prints.  

Let us go through this video lecture to learn all these.

Law: Information technology act

Law: Wildlife protection act

Law: Prevention of food adulteration act

Law: Explosive act

Law: Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substance act

Law: Case studies related to different types of evidences

Law: Experts evidence and decision of courts and cross-examination and pre-examination of witnesses

Law: Power of Investigation and Procedures

In this video lecture we will learn about the power of investigation and investigating officers in India, also focus on the process of inspection and investigation of a crime scene.  We will also learn the different ways and methodologies to carry out the inspection of a crime scene. Also we will understand the term money laundering, anti- money laundering laws in India and punishment under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Prisons: Custody of Criminals

After watching this video, you will know what prison is?  What prison reformation is? Evaluate the prison statistics. Analyze the change in prison structure and prisoners.
It is necessary to control the social behavior of an individual for maintaining social order and stability. The abuse of those social norms on the land of the law is described as crime. That’s why punishment is required for compelling people to conform to social expectations. The punishment may be physical, economic, social or psychological (causing mental suffering as in imprisonment) according to the nature of crime and as per the law of the land.
Prison institution is one of the main constituents of our criminal justice system. Jails, however for small or longer period, are places of living for both accused as well as convicts. Now a day’s social observation towards the convicts has changed. That’s why the institutions and greater consideration is given to upgrade the situations in prison to change the prisoners‟ attitude towards life and to integrate them in the society after their release.
Every year on a regular basis a comprehensive database has been established by NCRB on all the aspects of these institutions in relation to the prison activities and planning’s which prove to be really helpful in every mean to the prison administration. Improvement of prison conditions will not indicate that prison life should be made soft; it means that it should be made human and sensible.

Let us learn about the Prisons in detail in the given video.

Law: Indian Penal Code

Indian Penal Code is the main criminal code of India, intended to cover all the aspects of criminal law. 
The Indian penal code lays stress upon the following saying: "Actus no facit reum nisi mens sit rea” 

The Indian penal code was established in 1862 in India and is NOT Applicable to the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Based on IPC, Jammu and Kashmir has enacted a separate code known as Ranbir Penal Code (RPC).
For a society to function peacefully, it is important that:
· Each citizen is equal and no citizen is above the law.
· In the uncivilized society no person was said to be safe from attacks to his personal belongings or property by any other person. 
· The people who were attacked by criminals in old days either succumbed or were overpowered by his opponent. 
· A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, a life for a life was the rule of law. With the advancement of time, the injured person agreed to accept the compensation, instead of killing. For a long time the function of settling the terms remained with the parties themselves, but gradually this function came to be performed by the State.
After watching this video you  will  learn  
· About the set up and functioning of the Indian Penal Code of India 
· Know about the different chapters listed under IPC and their specific sections 
· Also, you will know about the different punishments set for different offenses.

Law :Civil and Criminal Laws in India

Civil law and criminal law are two broad and separate entities under law with separate sets of laws and punishments for offences committed under each of them. The distinct differences between criminal law and civil law are in the type of action against the defendant and the type of remedy or punishment sought. A civil case involves individuals in a dispute and generally ends in monetary reward, whereas the Criminal cases are considered crimes against society and usually end in a prison, a hefty fine or both, depending upon the severity of the crime committed.

In this video lecture we will learn about the Civil laws and Criminal laws in India. The differences in the crimes under both the laws, there proceedings and also the differing standards of proofs in them. The different elements of crime and the relationship with each other and  Inchoate offenses . Also the four common law mental states – specific intent, malice crimes, general intent and strict liability crimes.

Law: Human Rights

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings by virtue of being human whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. They are more than values and behaviors which belong to everyone and can’t be taken away. They are about the relationship between the state and individuals. Provide a floor, not a ceiling, of basic standards, below which the state must not fall and which it must protect or fulfill.
Let us learn about human rights, their significance  and things to do if someone breaks or violates these rights of ours? This video lecture will helps us to deal with such situation and also you will be able to understand about the different fundamental rights laid down in the charter.