Friday, September 28, 2018

Digital Forensics: Characteristics of Computer Crimes

Digital technology is surrounding in all strides of existence, all over the world and has conveyed the factual significance of globalization. At the one end cyber system delivers prospects to communicate and at the other end certain individuals or community exploit its control for criminal purposes. Criminals exploit the Internet and other network communications which are universal in scope. Condition is disturbing that Cyber- crime is an imminent and is talk of the town in every arena of the society and system. Hypothetically and essentially this is an innovative subject for scholars and is developing exponentially. Lot of work has been done and endless has to be done because the innovation or upgradation of novel technology leads to the technical crime, i.e., the digital or the cyber- crime or the e-crime. This is because day by day a new technique is being developed for doing the cybercrime and several times the appropriate investigating technique to challenge that newly cyber- crime is lacking. Cybercrime is any criminal activity involving computers and networks. It can range from deception to unwanted emails also known as spams. It can consist of distant theft of administration or business secrets through unlawful trespass into remote systems around the world. Cybercrime includes anything from downloading proscribed music archives to pilfering millions of moneys from online bank accounts. Cybercrime also comprises non- monetary crimes, such as generating viruses on other computers or posting classified business information on the Internet. Most cybercrimes cannot be placed into a single crime category, which makes statistical recording of this activity limited at best. Internet associated activities are as susceptible to crime and can lead to persecution as effectually as common physical crimes. The forms of crimes that are presently going on have existed long before the Internet was around. By virtue of the gadgets being used today to commit cybercrimes, criminals are now more unspecified and provided with a virtual market of available victims. The accountability falls on individuals to defend themselves and their families through safe online practices. Cyber criminals are no different than conventional criminals in that they want to make their cash as quickly and easily as possible.

Let us known more about it in the given video lecture.

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