Friday, September 28, 2018

Digital Forensics: Classification of Computer Crimes

Computer technology is advancing rapidly every day and the gap between the computer technology and the computer security is growing wider, providing vast number of opportunities for computer crimes. This problem is compounded by the fact that many of the computer users are unaware about the computer crimes and the criminals take benefit of this fact. It is necessary for computer users to have a good knowledge about the computer crimes and their associated security threats. They must understand meaning of computer crime, their types, and ways to recognize and prevent them.

Let us about the classification of computer crimes in the given video lecture.

Digital Forensics: Characteristics of Computer Crimes

Digital technology is surrounding in all strides of existence, all over the world and has conveyed the factual significance of globalization. At the one end cyber system delivers prospects to communicate and at the other end certain individuals or community exploit its control for criminal purposes. Criminals exploit the Internet and other network communications which are universal in scope. Condition is disturbing that Cyber- crime is an imminent and is talk of the town in every arena of the society and system. Hypothetically and essentially this is an innovative subject for scholars and is developing exponentially. Lot of work has been done and endless has to be done because the innovation or upgradation of novel technology leads to the technical crime, i.e., the digital or the cyber- crime or the e-crime. This is because day by day a new technique is being developed for doing the cybercrime and several times the appropriate investigating technique to challenge that newly cyber- crime is lacking. Cybercrime is any criminal activity involving computers and networks. It can range from deception to unwanted emails also known as spams. It can consist of distant theft of administration or business secrets through unlawful trespass into remote systems around the world. Cybercrime includes anything from downloading proscribed music archives to pilfering millions of moneys from online bank accounts. Cybercrime also comprises non- monetary crimes, such as generating viruses on other computers or posting classified business information on the Internet. Most cybercrimes cannot be placed into a single crime category, which makes statistical recording of this activity limited at best. Internet associated activities are as susceptible to crime and can lead to persecution as effectually as common physical crimes. The forms of crimes that are presently going on have existed long before the Internet was around. By virtue of the gadgets being used today to commit cybercrimes, criminals are now more unspecified and provided with a virtual market of available victims. The accountability falls on individuals to defend themselves and their families through safe online practices. Cyber criminals are no different than conventional criminals in that they want to make their cash as quickly and easily as possible.

Let us known more about it in the given video lecture.

Criminology 10: Female Crime

In India, due to social, cultural and traditional reasons women are considered as homemakers and thus, their involvement in violent crime is seen as a matter of surprise and disappointment. It is also because of the erroneous belief that crime always takes place outside the house and not inside. The area of criminality of women is still not a zone of priority concern, probably because there number is very small. It is also because in many criminal activities they are accomplishes of men, rather than carrying out the crime themselves and executing the way men do.

Let us learn about the crimes by women through the given video lecture.

Criminology 9: Crime against Women

The term “crime against women‟ literally includes; all the direct/indirect mental/physical cruelty to women. Each and every crime which is aimed specifically against women and in which only women are victims could be characterized as Crime against Women. It is equally important here to clarify the concept of “Violence against women” (VAW). Violence which is also called abuse, includes any sort of misbehave and physical aggression. VAW is a collective term that refers to those violent acts which are exclusively and primarily directed against women. When violence is committed at home it becomes domestic violence and involves family members such as children, spouse, his parents or the parents or relatives of a woman herself.
Let us learn more about VAW in the given video.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Criminology 8: Domestic Crime

Domestic violence (also named domestic abuse or family violence) is violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. It may be termed intimate partner violence when committed by a spouse or partner in an intimate relationship against the other spouse or partner, and can take place in heterosexual or same-sex relationships, or between former spouses or partners. Domestic violence can also involve violence against children, parents, or the elderly. It takes a number of forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive, and sexual abuse, which can range from subtle, coercive forms to marital rape and to violent physical abuse such as choking, beating, female genital mutilation, and acid throwing that results in disfigurement or death. Domestic murders include stoning, bride burning, honor killings, and dowry deaths.
Globally, the victims of domestic violence are overwhelmingly women, and women tend to experience more severe forms of violence. They are also likelier than men to use intimate partner violence in self-defense. In some countries, domestic violence is often seen as justified, particularly in cases of actual or suspected infidelity on the part of the woman, and is legally permitted. Research has established that there exists a direct and significant correlation between a country's level of gender equality and rates of domestic violence, where countries with less gender equality experience higher rates of domestic violence. Domestic violence is among the most under reported crimes worldwide for both men and women. Due to social stigmas regarding male victimization, men face an increased likelihood of being overlooked by healthcare providers.
Let us all learn about Domestic Crime through the given video lecture.

Criminology 7: Juvenile Delinquency

For  most  of  the young  people  of  our  gradually  changing  society,  traditional  patterns guiding  the  relationships  and  transitions  between  family,  school  and  work  may  become quite challenging.  The smoothness of socialization process is ensured by social relations. But  these  days  the  life  style  has  become  so  complex  that  such  relations are  collapsing. Maturity   gap extension  and,   arguably,   the  limited   opportunities of  becoming an  independent  adult  are  the  major factors  that  influence  bonding  with friends and family,  choices and educational opportunities and more over the lifestyles. 

Nowadays youth, irrespective of social origin, gender or nationality , are subjected to risks and are  being presented with new situations and circumstances, some beneficial  and some potentially harmful. Quite often, advantage of such illegal opportunities is being taken as young people commit different crimes, become drug addict and may become violent.

In the given video lecture let us understand the term Juvenile Delinquency, types and causes of juvenile delinquency, different theories of crime applicable to juvenile delinquency and law against juvenile delinquency.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Questioned Documents: Plastic Currency

The term plastic currency is used predominantly in reference to the hard plastic cards that are issued by the banks or an authority that provides certain rights to the customer or the user, some of them being able to make payments, enter into a secure area with many such other uses.
 · The term plastic currency has been used in different settings to describe wide variety of payments systems and technologies.
 · Plastic currencies are the alternative to the cash or the standard money.
 · Plastic currency is the generic term for all types of cards such as, Bank cards, Credit cards, Smart cards, etc.
 · Plastic currency was introduced in 1930 and now it is an essential form of money.
 · Citi Bank was the first bank in 1991 to launch credit card in India.

Let us know more about the Plastic currency through the given video lecture.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Criminology 6: Factors in Crime

What is Crime ?

1. The word  crime is derived from the Latin word "crimen (criminis)" which arrived from the Greek word "krima" ("egklema") meaning at first "judgement" (krisis)  and conviction. That is the Greek word for “crime” is the conceptual ancestor of the modern concept "crime".
2. Violation of law committed by someone as an outcome of which, conviction by a court is punishment, punishment is chiefly a severe one such as imprisonment.
3. Unlawful activity.
4. An offense in terms of disobedience of morality.
5. An unjust, ridiculous, or outrageous act or condition. In simple language crime is illegal or immoral activity.

In this video lecture we will learn about:
What is crime? 
What are the types of crime? 
Factors responsible for crime. 
What is effect of family, poverty, education and movies and media on crime in society? 
What is neighborhood factor in crime?

Digital Forensics: Introduction to Computer Crimes

The Computer crimes can be classified as: -Violent, Non-Violent computer crimes. The
use of viruses, worms and Trojans to infect a system and to spread itself over the network is  not  new but  the  advancements achieved  in these causes irreversible  destruction to the infected  system  and  the  network. Computer  crimes  have  risen  so  dramatically  over  the recent years that they have replaced the old-fashioned, organized crimes.

Let us all learn about these crimes in detail through the given video lecture.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Criminology 5: Theories of Criminal Behaviour

Theories of Criminal Behaviour

Theories and causes of crime: Three models of criminal behavior

Classical and Neo-classical Theories
Classical Theory
Beccaria's classical explanation
 Neo-classical Theory

 Biological and physiological theory:
Chemical methods of control

Psychological Theory

Sociological Theory: Émile -Durkheim‘s Traditional sociological theories

Geographical Theory: Responses from geographic theories of crime

Economic Theory: Response from Economic theory to crime includes

Let us all learn in detail about these Theories of Criminal Behaviour listening to the given video lecture.

Modus Operandi

Modus operandi is a Latin phrase, translated as "method of operation”. The term is used to describe one's procedure of working, particularly in the context of criminal investigations. It is often abbreviated as M.O. In general, modus operandi is the behaviour indispensable for the effective commission of a crime.  

Let us learn about Modus operandi and its importance in detail through the given video lecture.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Digital Forensics: Introduction to Networks and Types of Networking

A network structure is made up of minimum two or more computers or nodes that are connected in an organized way to share resources, exchange files and allows electronic communications. The computers on network are generally linked though cables, radio waves, telephone lines, infrared light beams, or satellites. A network may be defined as a multipurpose connection, which allows an individual computer to do more.

The computer networks are required for the following reasons:

 1. File sharing: Networks allows us to share data among the computers of other networks making the files available to one and all at any time, wherever required. The data becomes available to each one who is a component of the network.

 2. Resource sharing: Resources like the printer, servers and the internet are shared among these networks. It helps in reducing the cost but increasing the data and resource availability.

3. Communication and collaboration: Being a component of the network means we are able to unite with different services and computers of different networks, thus increasing the communication with the rest of the humankind.

 4. Remote access: Remote access allows us to access the resources remotely from anywhere without being present at the place where the computer is. This makes accessing the resources easy.

For more details go through the given video lecture.