Sunday, October 28, 2018

Law: Constitution of India

The Constitution is the supreme legal document of the land. All other laws have to conform to the Constitution. It contains laws concerning the government and its relations with the people.  A constitution is concerned with 2 main aspects:-
1.The relation between the different levels of government and
2. Between the government and the citizens.
The document containing laws and rules which determine and describe the form of the government, the relationship between the citizens and the government, is called a Constitution. The constitution for proper understanding is divided into broad areas of Fundamental Rights, Directive Principals, Executive and State. The main objective is contained in the preamble and each area stated above relates to the whole system of Governance, through State; i.e. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary called as Trimurti of the Nation.

Let us learn about the Constitution of our country through the given video.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Law: Preamble of Indian Constitution

The preamble to the Constitution of India is a brief introductory statement that sets out guiding people and principles of the document, and it indicates the source from which the ordinary document derives its authority, meaning, the people.The hopes and aspirations of the people as well as the ideals before our nation are described in the preamble in clear words. It may be considered as the heart and soul of Constitution. The preamble can be referred to as the preface which highlights the entire Constitution. It was adopted on 26 November 1949 by the Constituent Assembly and came into effect on 26th January 1950.
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens
 JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
 LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
 EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all
 FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;

Criminology and Law: Harassment of victim during complaint/court

In very simple language harassment is a word that describes any kind of ongoing torment. The acceptable definition of harassment is unwanted conduct on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation etc. which has the aim or objective of either violating the claimant's dignity, or making an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them. The exploitation is from a family member that is not involved in the list under domestic violence. Harassment need not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex.  Police have the authority and the duty to question people suspected of committing crimes and victim too. The parent or guardian of a minor who is the aim of harassment may seek a restrictive order on behalf of the minor.
Let us learn about harassment, types of harassment, consequences of harassment and  harassment of victim during complains and in the court in the given video lecture.

Criminology and Law: Role of Victim in Crime

Victimolgy is the study of victimization, including the relationships between victims and offenders, the interactions between victims and the criminal justice system — i.e., the police and courts, and amendments bureaucrats — and the association between sufferers and other social groups and organizations, such as the media, businesses, and social movements. Victimolgy is though not constrained to the study of victims of crime only but can comprise different provisions of human rights abuses.
“Victimolgy” is a hypothetical scientific discipline which studies statistics that defines processes and causal associations associated to victimizations. This comprises proceedings prominent to the victimization, the victim’s experience, its aftermath and the activities taken by society in response to these victimizations. Therefore, Victimolgy consist of study of the precursors, vulnerabilities, happenings, influences, retrievals, and replies by people, administrations and beliefs related to victimizations.

Let us learn about the role of victim in crime in the given video.

Criminology and Law: Police : Organization and Administration

Police are one of the most ubiquitous organizations of the society. The policemen, therefore, happen to be the most visible representatives of the government. In an hour of need, danger, crisis and difficulty, when a citizen does not know, what to do and whom to approach, the police station and a policeman happen to be the most appropriate and approachable unit and person for him. The police are expected to be the most accessible, interactive and dynamic organization of any society. Their roles, functions and duties in the society are natural to be varied and multifarious on the one hand; and complicated, knotty and complex on the other. Broadly speaking the twin roles, which the police are expected to play in a society are maintenance of law and maintenance of order. However, the ramifications of these two duties are numerous, which result in making a large inventory of duties, functions, powers, roles and responsibilities of the police organization.  

Let us learn about the role of Police in dealing Criminals, Police Strength and organization in India, procedure to file complaints of crime and criminal and also what is the Police accountability and commitment along with the role of Police in Court and Defense.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Questioned Documents: Instruments used in document analysis: ESDA and VSC

In addition to various types of microscopes like magnifying lens, compound microscope, stereo microscope and comparison microscope that are being used for the analysis of questioned documents. Some instruments such as Electrostatic Detection Apparatus (ESDA) and Video Spectral Comparator (VSC) are also used for the analysis of the documents that are in question. These instruments are only meant for document analysis. ESDA is a forensic device used to detect indented writings in paper. VSC combines sophisticated digital imaging and multi-wavelength LED technology with a clear and efficient software interface, to provide a complete solution to the examination of all questioned documents.

Let us all learn about ESDA and VSC in the given video lecture.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Questioned Documents: Plastic Currency

The term plastic currency is used predominantly in reference to the hard plastic cards that are issued by the banks or an authority that provides certain rights to the customer or the user, some of them being able to make payments, enter into a secure area with many such other uses.
 · The term plastic currency has been used in different settings to describe wide variety of payments systems and technologies.
· Plastic currencies are the alternative to the cash or the standard money.
· Plastic currency is the generic term for all types of cards such as, Bank cards, Credit cards, Smart cards, etc.
· Plastic currency was introduced in 1930 and now it is an essential form of money.
· Citi Bank was the first bank in 1991 to launch credit card in India.

Let us learn about the various types of plastic currencies, their characteristics and forensic analysis in the given video lecture.

Questioned Documents: Tools Used in Questioned Document Analysis

The most significant tool of a document examiner is his or her vision. In addition to this tool, the outer tools which facilitate the examiner to see, evaluate and record more than is evident to the unaided eye. The microscope is the instrument that makes it possible to see physical evidence on documents which would otherwise remain invisible and useless. The normal unaided human eye can differentiate only 250 separate lines to the inch. This means that the small details which involve proportions or separations of less than 1/250th of an inch are not seen by the eye, and sees them as a connected, solid mass. These tools can be grouped into six categories:
1. Basic measuring tools
2. Magnification (magnifiers/ microscopes)
3. Light Sources
4. Special Instruments
5. Photography
6. Computer

Let us learn about these tools in the given video lecture.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Digital Forensics: Imaging of hard disk and other media

Disk Imaging is a fundamental process in digital forensics. Storage devices are one of the many evidences we encounter at the crime scene. It is of prime significance that every evidence needs to be handled with care and there should not occur any alteration during the investigation of digital crime. During digital investigation, there are chances that the data collected may get intentionally or accidentally destroyed, at such times; the evidence cannot be present in the court. Investigator has to follow the proper chain of custody. To avoid changes in seized storage devices one instruction that is to be followed by investigator is “DO NOT TOUCH THE ORIGINAL EVIDENCE”, it means that we are not suppose to perform any operation related to analysis directly on original device.

In disk imaging, we make exact copies of storage devices or its partition and then store it in a larger storage or directly burn it on another device. It looks like a copy- paste operation but it is not. In copy paste operation, we just move data from one location to another location but there is no possibility that the source addressing is maintained. Also in copy-paste operation, data existing on target location is not overwritten because it is stored only in free location. Whereas in cloning or imaging data and its location is considered. In an image, file data is stored along with its source location and in cloning process data from source will be replicated as it is and old address scheme is considered.

Let us learn through the given video lecture.

Digital Forensics: Intellectual Property Crimes and Computer Security

Intellectual  property  rights  are  the  legal  rights  that  cover  the  privileges  given  to  individuals who are the owners and inventors of a work, and have created something with their intellectual creativity. Individuals related to areas such as literature, music, invention, etc., can be granted such rights, which can then be used in the trade practices by them. The originator or designer acquires exclusive privileges against any exploitation or use of work without his prior knowledge and permission. However, the rights are fixed for a limited period of time to sustain balance. Intellectual property can be pilfered (i.e., infringed or defrauded) in several ways. For example, copyrighted works,  such  as books,  music, movies,  business  software  or  games, may be dishonestly invaded by duplicating or  distributing unlicensed copies  of  such  works  either online   or   by   manufacturing   and   distributing   infringed CDs   or   DVDs   containing   the  unauthorized  content.  A trademark may be trespassed by marketing merchandises, brands or other packaging containing an imitation mark.  An exceedingly protected trade  secret  can  be underhandedly fiddled from  its  owner  either  by  a  company  insider  or  by somebody outside a company and used to profit an opponent.

Let us learn about all this in the given video lecture.

Digital Forensics: DOS and DDOS Attacks

The attacks on the computer systems are wide. It ranges from physical damaging to the system to remotely stealing the data. There are many types of attacks on computer system. Now a day’s every computer is connected to internet, and internet has no owner; it’s a kind of free resource but you have to pay for your service providers. Our software culture is also moving from standalone applications to web based/ distributed applications. The advantage of web based applications is that it is available remotely for a whole team of people to work simultaneously. So every system connected to the internet has a threat. Anyone who is connected to the internet can try to access any resource through the internet.
The basic intention behind  attacks on internet  is to make resource unavailable for the genuine users. Denial of Service (DoS) can be done by multiple ways. There are special tools available for DoS. The basic concept is that Computer Server plays vital role in distributed software’s.

Let us learn about DOS and DDOS attacks in the given video lecture.

Digital Forensics: Programme Manipulation

To get work finished by computer there are some logical/computational instructions in computer memory, this set of instructions is known as a program. There are special people known as 'Software Developers' or 'Programmers' who use available programming language to write program. After loading these programs in computer we can execute them. Basically these are instructions for CPU (Central Processing Unit) which governs the COMPUTER.
A program is developed for specific tasks, means we use ability of computer to perform a specific set of sequential actions. We can write a program to just display "Hello" or we can write a program to develop an Operating system. Size of the program is from few KB to few GB. It depends on how many functionalities we are implementing in a program.
Computer can understand only BINARY language so if we want to issue instructions to computer then they should be in BINARY language only. And binary language is a sequence of '1’s' and '0’s'. But for human it is very difficult to understand or write the program/instructions in binary. So there are options which include use of high level programming language. These languages are very close to 'English' so user can easily read or write the program. And there is another program /software which are known as Compiler or interpreter which converts the programs from higher level language to machine level language or binary language.

Let us learn in detail in the given video lecture.

Digital Forensics: Obscenity and Pornography

The concept of Obscenity is way too complicated. It is not that much easy to calculate the degrees of an obscene conduct or rather a conduct. An act which may be normal for a particular individual, community or area may not be deemed appropriate to another one. For one individual it may be a piece of art while for others it may be a nasty activity. For example, a commercial of a Condom in a national television channel may be supposed by some audience as an offensive (obscene) program while some audience may take it as the requirement of present time. A common understanding of the term ‘obscenity’ would indicate the violation of prevalent moral codes in words, representations or actions that are available to the public at large. It is basically associated with matters that contain sexually explicit material.
Pornography can be understood as sexually explicit representation which has the purpose or intention of sexually arousing its audience. Besides, paedophilic psychology has cursed the human society and modified the conventional pornography to the most displeasing disinclined involvement of children in form of Child Pornography. The term “child pornography” implies conventional pornography with child subjects. The term is retained because it is the expression most voluntarily recognized by the public on the whole. Pornographic sites open the syndicate to legal accountability by not preventing the access of such material because the technology exists.

To know more let us watch the given video.

Digital Forensics: Spamming

Spamming is the process of crowding the user’s mail inbox with unsolicited or junk mails. It is generally used to advertise about any product or services but the real problem arises for the user when the mails contain viruses and malicious software that can damage the user’s computer or data. It is often a source of scams, computer viruses and offensive content that takes up valuable time and increases costs for consumers, business and governments. Software companies offer their products for free but they need to make money in one way or another, so they use several methods to earn. One of those methods is selling ads. Many websites have banner ads or pop- up windows with advertisements in them that are visible when the software is used. Advertising companies pays the software manufacturer to place the ads in their product, allowing the software manufacturer to offer their product for free to the customer.

Let us learn more about spamming in this video lecture.